The 30 Minute Runner 2.0 experiment has entered into a new phase. After three weeks of base training with easy mileage, I’m now ready to start added some variety to my workouts – including the progression run. I’m still in the “introductory” running period of the Run Faster program, so these first few workouts are […]
Building A Training Base: What Workouts Should I Run?
My experience of the “introductory period” of Coach Hudson’s Run Faster training plan continues. Currently, my running has only included easy runs to build mileage, a few (short) long runs, and a few sessions of hill sprints to build strength and help prevent injury. While my training has been fairly routine during these first few […]
Building the Base for Hood to Coast – 30 Minute Runner 2.0
The more things change the more they stay the same. Although I’m shifting to a different training plan, my running last week wasn’t all that different to my old plan – minus the 10-20-30 workouts. Training in the “Introductory Period” As I mentioned in my post explaining the 30 Minute Runner 2.0 plan, I am […]
Always Injured? Try Running Hill Sprints
As I mentioned in my prior post, I am a big fan of the book Run Faster by Brad Hudson and Matt Fitzgerald. One of the most interesting parts of the book is the discussion on “hill sprints” as way to reduce running injuries. Don’t Hills Cause Injuries? This was my first reaction when I […]
Welcome to 30 Minute Runner 2.0. Let’s Do This – 30 Minute Runner
Welcome to 30 Minute Runner 2.0. As chronicled in the last few posts of the series, 30 Minute Runner 1.0 was a pretty big failure. My original goal was to see how fast I could run a 5k with only 30 minutes of running per day. My plan was to do easy 30 minute runs […]
My Training Plan Got Me Injured – What Now? – 30 Minute Runner
If you’ve been following my 30 Minute Runner experiment, you know that I wanted to see how fast I could race a 5k with only 30 minutes of running per day. In order to give myself the best chance to succeed, I decided to jump right into high intensity interval training workouts to help improve […]