Welcome to 30 Minute Runner 2.0. Let’s Do This – 30 Minute Runner

Welcome to 30 Minute Runner 2.0.  As chronicled in the last few posts of the series, 30 Minute Runner 1.0 was a pretty big failure.  My original goal was to see how fast I could run a 5k with only 30 minutes of running per day.  My plan was to do easy 30 minute runs […]

My Training Plan Got Me Injured – What Now? – 30 Minute Runner

If you’ve been following my 30 Minute Runner experiment, you know that I wanted to see how fast I could race a 5k with only 30 minutes of running per day.  In order to give myself the best chance to succeed, I decided to jump right into high intensity interval training workouts to help improve […]

RunnersConnect: My New Runners Knee Battleplan – 30 Minute Runner

If you haven’t been following the saga of my battle with runners knee, here is a brief recap. Last month, I decided to see whether I could run a decent 5k on only 30 minutes of running per day.  My plan was to use high intensity interval training, including the 10-20-30 workout, to maximize my […]

Run Less Run Faster – A Low Mileage Option? – 30 Minute Runner

I recently received an e-mail from a reader who has been following the 30 Minute Runner experiment. She was intrigued by the goal of figuring out the best low mileage training options and asked whether I had read the book Run Less Run Faster by Bill Pierce, Scott Murr, and Ray Moss. I had never […]

So, My Knee Hurts Again – 30 Minute Runner

When starting the 30 Minute Runner experiment, my hope was to help other runners determine whether it is possible to train effectively for a 5k on 30 minute per day of running. However, the project has sort of devolved into a lesson on why you need a good strength training program prior to starting an […]

Why You Need to Schedule Your Next Run

With my knee issue and recent days off, some of you may be asking: Is my 30 Minute Runner experiment in trouble? Fear not! I had a good weekend of running, which included a solid 10-20-30 workout.  I’m still super conscious of my past left knee pain, but trying hard not to compensate with other areas […]