Running Past 50

One recent trend in road races is the number of participants that are over the age of 50. While these older runners are doing great things for their cardiovascular system, it is important for them to train smart to stay injury free. The body at 50 years of age is simply not the same it was when it was 25 years old. However, by following a few simple tips, runners can ensure that they run strong for the rest of their lives.

  • Build mileage slowly: The general tip for most runners is to increase weekly mileage by no more than 10% per week. However, for older runners, it is a good idea to be more cautious with mileage increases. Try ease into mileage increases by going up 10% one week and down 5% the next. For example, the mileage for four subsequent weeks might be: 40 miles, 44 miles, 42 miles, 46 miles.
  • Be reasonable: One of the big mistakes that runners over 50 make is to compare their current race times to times they ran 20 years ago. Don’t do it! It is crazy to think that you can run as fast as you did in 1980. Rather, focus on setting your best 50+ time. Running will be much more enjoyable if you refuse to compete against your younger self.
  • Rest: In order to minimize the chance of injury, it is very important to incorporate rest into your training routine. Although you might have been able to run hard seven days a week when you were younger, you must force yourself to take at least one, and preferably two, days off a week.
  • Hit the weights: As people age, the number of muscle fibers in their bodies decrease. Therefore, it is very important for older runners to incorporate some kind of strength training into their training plans. Either go to the gym once a week, or try to incorporate hill workouts in your training.
  • Keep motivated: It can be tough to deal with the aches and pains that come with running. Keeping motivated through all of the low points of running is essential if you want to reach the high points. Perhaps the best way to keep excited about training is to join a training group. Not only is it great to have training partners, but fellow runners are a good way to learn new training tips and advice.

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