Egoscue and Running Injuries Part 9: A Break In The Action

This is Part 9 in the Egoscue and Running Injuries blog series. Sometimes running has to take a back seat to more important issues.  Although overcoming my running injuries with Egoscue has been a huge focus for me, I have had to take care of a health issue that has a longer term impact on […]

Egoscue and Running Injuries Part 8: The Ultimate Pre-Run Routine

This is part 8 in the Egoscue and Running Injuries blog series. There is no doubt that this last menu of Egoscue e-cises has been the best menu that Matt has provided to me.  I feel so much more mobile and the aches and pains in my hips and upper back are feeling much improved. […]

Egoscue and Running Injuries Part 6 – The Incredible “Runner’s Stretch”

This is Part 6 in the Egoscue and Running Injuries blog series. One of the interesting things about dealing with chronic running injuries is that aches and pains can become so common that you can forget that you have a problem. For example, I have long known that my hamstrings are incredibly tight.  However, due […]

Egoscue and Running Injuries Part 5: My Back Is An Over-Protective Parent

This is part 5 of the Egoscue and Running Injuries blog series. The work to get stronger and correct my postural imbalances continues.  As I have been discussing in prior posts, the focus of my Egoscue e-cises has been to strengthen the hip and glute muscles while trying to turn off the lower back muscles. […]

My First Egoscue Menu: Getting Stronger To Run Faster

This is part 3 of the Egoscue Method and Running Injuries series. As I described in my last post, Matt of Oregon Exercise Therapy provided me with a menu of Egoscue e-cises after I sent him a description of my running injuries and photos of my posture. Are These E-Cises Too Easy? On the surface, […]

Egoscue and Running Injuries – My First E-Cise Menu

This is Part 2 in the Egosuce blog series As I stated in my prior post, my eagerness to use the Egoscue Method to treat my recurring running injuries led me to Matt Whitehead from Oregon Exercise Therapy. Although Matt lived too far away from me to schedule an appointment at his office, he told […]