Getting Dizzy When Running

Nothing can ruin a morning run like suddenly feeling dizzy or lethargic. It can come on slow, or it can hit you at 10 or 15 minutes in, but the feeling of not having any energy is so frustrating. Fortunately, there are some things runners can do to improve their odds of having plenty of energy during runs.

Eating: Perhaps the most important thing a runner can do before a run is to eat a good meal beforehand. Neglecting to eat properly before running will cause low blood sugar, which causes nausea and a general feeling of weakness. Therefore, try to eat a bowl of cereal, sandwich, or fruit in order to properly fuel your body before a run. Of course, this does not mean eating a huge meal and then running immediately after…that will cause other kinds of problems (i.e. side stitch).

Water: Another contributing factor to dizziness or nausea when running is dehydration. Try to drink at least 8 ounces of water at least 2 hours before you run because running causes the body to lose a lot of water. First, water keeps the lung tissue moist, and breathing heavily causes water to be expelled from the lungs. Second, the body uses water to keep us cool through sweating; therefore, due to the heat produced from muscle activity, sweat is a critical in keeping the body from overheating. Third, water plays an important role in helping muscles operate (contract and relax) and keeps muscle cells hydrated. Therefore, not drinking enough water can lead to serious fatigue.

Asthma: An additional cause of undue fatigue and dizziness when running can be asthma. If your fatigue is accompanied by wheezing when breathing, it might be a good idea to see a physician about possible asthma medication.

Relaxation: Fatigue and nausea during a run can also be caused by simply trying too hard; the best way to run is relaxed. Therefore, if you notice that you are clenching your teeth or that your shoulders are arms are tight, stop the run and take few deep breaths to relax yourself. It can do wonders to reset your body and mind.

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